diem truong thon 2 preSchool & elementary school
nam tra my – quang nam – Vietnam

“We Wish to Have a New School!”
For children in this remote mountainous area, their wish for a new school will soon come true!
During the summer, we were made aware of a poor village that desperately needed a new school in Nam Tra My, one of the poorest districts in Quang Nam Province located in Central Vietnam. After completing the inauguration ceremonies for two of the newly built schools in Lai Chau and Tuyen Quang Provinces, our team headed to Quang Nam to visit this village. We arrived at Diem Truong Thon 2 Preschool & Elementary School located in Tra Vinh Commune of Nam Tra My District after 5 hours driving through the curvy mountain. This secluded village is one of the poorest communities in Tra My; it does not equipped with electricity, clean water, and the students lacked school supplies. The villagers are of an ethnic minority group called Ca Dong.
Several members from the Board of Education along with the Principal and teachers met with our team during the visit. Upon inspecting the existing school, we confirmed that the two wooden houses being used to teach preschoolers and elementary students are in desperate need of rebuilding. The classrooms are severly deteriorated with holes and cracks in the ceiling and in the walls. The Principal, Mr. Ngo Thanh Tai shared that whenever the teachers asked the students of what their wish was, they would always, unanimously, shouted back:
“We wish for a new school!”
Lotus School Foundation is very pleased to sponsor this new school project and make dreams come true for many disadvantaged children in this area. The new school building is estimated to cost $11,700. The cost covers 3 classrooms, restrooms, concrete surface playground, and a commercial stainless steel water tank for the school to store clean water. The classrooms will be furnished with new furniture at an additional estimated cost of $1,444. The total estimated cost for the project is $13,144. The new school is projected to be completed by February of 2020.
With your help and contribution, we can make a life changing impact for these many children!
New School Floor Plan
During our visit to Thon 2 Pre-school & Elementary school back in September of 2019, the children told us they had ONE simple WISH – their wish was to have a new school. With your generous support, their dream is now a reality! The Lotus School Foundation is pleased and excited to kickoff 2020 with the Grand Opening of our 9th school on February 9, 2020.
Due to the coronavirus concern, our team worked very closely with the local government along with the Board of Education till the last minute to ensure the safety of everyone in the village before proceeding with the Grand Opening. Tra Vinh is located deep in the mountain, so life in this commune remains relatively unaffected by events happening from the outside world. The children were very happy and anxious to start the new year in their new schools. For every child, there is truly no better gift than the gift of education!
Thank you everyone who has supported our school projects. You have made this possible through your generous support and donation!
4102 S. New Braunfels Ave.,
Suite 110-218
San Antonio, Texas 78223