na cuong 2a preSchool
meo vac – ha giang – Vietnam

In Na Cuong commune, 80% of the villagers currently do not have access to electricity.
Na Cuong 2A preschool is remotely located 190km (118 miles) from the nearest town. The school was built in 2002 and the conditions have severely deteriorated with heavy cracks throughout the infrastructures, making it a dangerous environment for preschoolers to learn in. Since the classrooms are not insulated or enclosed, children have to endure cold temperature as low as 0 degrees during the winter months. The villagers in Na Cuong commune are of H’mong ethnic minority.
The new school building is estimated to cost $9,800. The school is 2,125 square feet and will include three classrooms, restrooms, and a concrete surface playground which will serve 80 children. The school is located far from the village well, so LSF will provide a commercial stainless-steel water tank to help store clean water for the children. The classrooms will be furnished with new furniture at an additional estimated cost of $1,444.
LSF team is committed to getting this school built soon, so the children can settle into their new school in time for the winter. The grand opening of the new school is scheduled for December 2019.
Lotus School Foundation is pleased to partner with Hope Foundation Global Inc. on this school project.
Hope Foundation Global Inc. is a nonprofit organization based out of Orange County, California. They share the same vision and passion as LSF to help disadvantaged, poor children to have access to education and learn in a safe environment. Hope Foundation Global has donated $9,800 to help LSF rebuild a new school benefiting the students at Na Cuong 2A school. We are deeply grateful for their support and partnership.
We will continue to work with our reliable local partner, QXTVC in Vietnam for construction oversight.
Our Project Supervisor, Mr. Dam has inspected the school on June 22, 2019. Below are pictures highlighting the existing poor conditions of the school.
Together, we can make a difference and impact many lives!
New School Floor Plan
new school – grand opening
After more than 25 hours of traveling, the Lotus School Foundation team along with our sponsors, Dr. Dat Nguyen and his wife, Dr. Anh Trinh with Hope Foundation Global arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam on December 6th. Upon arrival, we met our local teammates and traveled for another 7 hours by car to Ha Giang Province. In any other circumstances, the human body might have given in to exhaustion after more than 32 hours of intensive traveling, but our team remained in high spirit, eagerly anticipating for the upcoming grand opening of the newly constructed Na Cuong School.
On December 7th, we left the city of Ha Giang early in the morning and traveled to Niem Tong Commune. Traveling through the mountain during the winter time can be dangerous, as heavy thick fogs glided across the sky, reducing visibility to near zero in some parts of the mountain. After 7-hour drive, we safely arrived in Niem Tong commune and was greeted by the villagers and teachers. The path to the village is through a narrow dirt road, so our team had to travel on motobikes in order to get to the school. At the sight of the new school and the innocent faces of many preschoolers in attendance, any feeling of tiredness melted right away. Many of the children dressed up in their best attires for the special occasion and it warmed all of our hearts to know that they will soon be settled into a warm, safe, and productive classroom environment.
Our local partner, QXTVC prepared over 100 winter jackets, backpacks, candies and cookies for the children. The LSF team also brought back school supplies, which were donated by GDPT in Dallas as gifts for the children. We are extremely thankful for the overwhelming love and support extended to the disadvantaged children living in poor rural mountainous area.
Especially, the Lotus School Foundation is deeply grateful for Dr. Dat Nguyen and Dr. Anh Trinh with Hope Foundation Global Inc. for supporting our work and sponsoring the new school. Thank you for accompanying our team on this trip to gain firsthand experience of the challenges and hardship facing communities in poor rural mountainous areas. By building schools, not only are we extending education opportunity to disadvantaged children, but we are also positively contributing to the growth of these communities. Every children deserve the opportunity to learn and we strongly believe that education is the KEY to help them change their future.
Thank you everyone who have supported LSF’s mission and work. YOU are the vital fuel that keeps us going, and together, we can truly create a meaningful legacy that will change the lives of many disadvantaged children.
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