“Over 263 million children worldwide currently do not have access to an education.”
— GEM Report

All families care deeply about their children’s education. However, it is a sad reality that over 263 million children currently do not have this opportunity. In developed nations, it is a regular part of daily life for children to go to school every day; whereas, in other parts of the world, many children are desperately yearning to have access to education.
We firmly believe education is the SOLUTION.
To break the cycle of extreme poverty and hunger. To generate economic and social developments. To prevent discrimination and help achieve gender equality. To raise awareness on health-related issues and save lives. To develop responsible citizens and build peaceful nations. To instill hope and make dreams come true for every child around the world.

Transparency | Integrity | Accountability
LSF’s approach is to build schools in rural, poverty-stricken communities that already have existing students and teachers, but currently have no school or have very rundown schools that need reconstruction.
To ensure that our mission is concentrated on meeting a real need of the community:
Children Have the Power to Transform the World Through Education

“It only costs on average of $1.25 a day per child in developing countries to provide a full cycle (13 years) of pre-primary through secondary education.”
— GEM Report
Making Every Dollar Count
Investing in global education is genuinely one of the best investments you can make that has a high return of investment and with benefits toward global security, poverty reduction, economic stability, social stability women’s empowerment and improving global health. GEM’s research shows that in developing countries, 1 dollar invested in an additional year of schooling will put back $10 into the economy. Each extra year of education boosts a person’s income by 10% and increases a country’s GDP by 18%. Researchers also indicate that if every child learned to read, it would help an estimated 170 million people get out of poverty.
Education is the Foundation of Peace and Prosperity
4102 S. New Braunfels Ave.,
Suite 110-218
San Antonio, Texas 78223