We Are By Your Side
As part of the ongoing “Community Care” project to help our community during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lotus School Foundation has donated over 400 “care packets” to help the homeless community this week.
Homeless people are the most vulnerable to contracting the virus, experiencing complications, and dying from it. The care packets were distributed to four of the homeless shelters (The Salvation Army Emergency Shelter, SAMMinistries Family Shelter, Seton Home, and the Family Violence Prevention Service Shelter) in San Antonio. Each packet consists of the following necessity items:
•Fabric Face Mask
•Tooth Brush
•Tooth Paste
•Hand Wipes
•Bottled of Water
LSF would like to acknowledge the following supporters:
The Lotus School Foundation team would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our supporters, Lien Wilcox Hang Tran, Le Phan, Sophia Chang, Nga Pham, Trang Nguyen, Stephanie Quynh, Minh Phuong Tran, Nga Ha, and friends, for your generous donations that enable us to make this project happened.
In addition, thank you to our dedicated volunteers, Yen Linh Vo, Sophia Chang, Augustine Ton, and Alicia Vo, who have continuously invested their valuable time to give back to the community during this pandemic. Together, we can overcome this challenging crisis and build a stronger community.
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4102 S. New Braunfels Ave.,
Suite 110-218
San Antonio, Texas 78223